Saturday, September 28, 2013

Adele Norah

Well it's been two weeks since we welcomed this little beauty into the world.

 (Photo credit: Alana Atyeo)

There have been ups and downs, crazy emotions flying about, and some 6 hour straight sleep nights and some 4 hour straight awake nights.

I still have no idea how people successfully make plans and schedule their baby, as it seems I always have somewhere to be right around the next feeding time and am unable to feed. I also have no idea how people successfully make plans and DON'T schedule their baby - as it seems I make plans and then she wants to feed just before I leave the house. Not only feed - but also projectile spit up all over my duvet cover ? Haha. I guess for now I'll just plan on not making plans and sit at home enjoying my little one :)

I couldn't have asked for a better man to go through this whole thing then the one God gave me... Dan has been amazing (as always.) But I've especially noticed it when it's been a terrible night and he'll come down to the living room just to sit with me and give me some support while I'm feeding for what seems like 3 hours straight and all I want to do is sleep. I usually send him back to bed because I feel bad that he has to go to work the next day... But those few minutes are so thoughtful and so precious.. I don't know what I'd do without him.

So here is to another two weeks... Of what I can only imagine will be more craziness. Bring it on. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

the good & the bad

Well let's be optimistic and start with the good... 

Dan and I had applied to the town for a minor variance so we could build an addition onto our house (giving us three more bedrooms and a basement) and also build a nice sized garage for Dan to work on his beloved vw bus. Well tonight we had our town council meeting - and unless someone appeals the motion - we've been APPROVED ! :) let more renos begin !

Now for the bad... Try not to laugh too hard... But seriously - check out these cankles. 

Thank you baby Chisholm for those beauties.