Tuesday, December 17, 2013

so fast

In only 2 days my baby girl will be 3 months old !!! How did this happen ? Dan often comments on how it feels like we've had her forever, but sitting here today thinking about it, I cannot believe she is already 3 months old.

In the beginning I was so scared of forming unbreakable habits, that...

I can count on one hand the amount of times I rocked my girl to sleep/held her while she was sleeping. And while I am so so thankful that she can fall asleep by herself in her crib - I sometimes wish she loved cuddling and would fall asleep while rocking with Dan or I.

I never wanted to use the swing "too often" in case she got dependent on it, so now she can't stand it for more than 5 minutes... which is really unfortunate when I am trying to get dinner on and cannot be in two places at once.

I didn't want to confuse her and give her a bottle before 6 weeks for fear that she wouldn't nurse properly afterwards (thanks for the terrible advice prenatal class)... now my darling won't take a bottle at all. So much for date nights !

Well those are just a few of the things I'll probably try to do differently next time (Lord willing there is a next time).

We are still enjoying the challenges and blessings that come with a little life, and look forward to the months to come and all the "firsts" that come with them !

Here are some photos from the last month.

Our first family swim. Adele loved it! 

Love these sweet moccasins, even if they are too big in the foot and too small in the calves !
Sweater from aunt amy and uncle tyler - love the elbow patches ! And my special blanket from aunt karo and uncle merv !

Auntie katie got me this sweater for when I'm 6 months ! I'm excited to have it in different sizes for the months to come.

I already love airplane rides !! :)


  1. Time sure does fly!! Love the close up of her adorable face :)
    XX Mom

  2. Oh do I HEAR ya in the bottle department. Once Adele reaches Ashers age youll be able to sneak out a bit since she'll be able to go longer between feedings :)

    1. Perfect !! We did end up going out Friday night for my staff party, so I just had to excuse myself for 30 mins to run to Dan's parents and feed her quick haha ! We're testing out a couple different bottles to see if that makes any difference !
